+ Aleksandr Lialiushkin
MTK is an independent theatre company tackling the stereotype that puppet theatre is only for kids. I redesigned their brand identity and built a flexible design system that works in print and digital scenarios.
MTK Theatre
When I joined MTK, we were thinking about how brand identity could translate their values. MTK needed a design system that could adapt to marketing and branding materials across all touchpoints: from social media to print. The goals of rebranding were quite ambitious: growing the audience, increasing engagement in social media, and widespread awareness of the brand.

We started from the basics. Letters of the typography-based logo represent the parts of MTK: bold M is the theatre, light T is the puppet, and italic K is the person (actor and spectator). A color palette captures the spirit of MTK: red is braveness and energy, blue is self-confidence and professionalism, and purple is a contemporary approach to theatre practices. Together colors construct a variety of mesh gradients to use.
The idea was to focus on the typography using short sentences compelling it with photos and mesh gradients. It could catch the target audience's attention to help MTK differentiate itself from its competitors. We started by building composition guidelines and then created a variety of designs: from basic social media templates to books, website visuals, and video teasers.

As it increases engagement in social media, we used photos of the performances. For that purpose, we developed graphic forms to avoid boring rectangular placeholders. The second option was to use a photo as a background. We were constantly changing the composition and templates according to data, likes, comments, and CTR. Another key to growing the audience was video. I directed and operated more than 15 end-to-end production video shoots for use on YouTube or Instagram.
The rebranding gave me a chance to increase income by 20% and create an outstanding visual image for MTK. Here are some numbers:

• Expanded the audience by 10%.
• Doubled page depth view and grew website traffic by 50% by redesigning the main page.
• Developed and organized a new visual system of templates containing 150+ on-brand graphic assets.
• Increased email CTR by 7% by redesigning email templates.
• Directed and operated over 15 photo & video shoots used in the digital and social media campaigns with 4-9% CTR.
Collaboration is everything! I believe teams craft the best products. If you feel I might be a good fit for your company or project, drop me a line by email or LinkedIn. You can download my CV here.
Aleksandr Lialiushkin
Brand & Communication Designer
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